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What is the date of Eid al Adha 2021?.....How can we celebrate this EID?

What is the date  of  Eid al Adha 2021?.....How can we celebrate this EID?

What is the date  of  Eid al Adha 2021?

 Eid ul Adha 2021 or Bakra Eid 2021 is relied upon to be commended on Tuesday, July 20, 2021. This is the provisional date as the genuine date is unexpected to the locating of the moon of Dhul Hijjah, 1442, the twelfth and last month of Islamic Calendar


  Eid al Adha

Eid ul Adha is a celebration celebrated among Muslims everywhere on the world in recognition of the penance that Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) made out of his solid confidence in Allah. 

Ibrahim (AS) displayed an ability to forfeit his child Prophet Ismail (A.S.) however his child was supplanted with a sheep by Allah. Allah was so satisfied with Ibrahim's (A.S.) accommodation to Him that He made this exhibition of penance and confidence a perpetual piece of a Muslim's life. This occasion is referenced in Quran - Surah As-Saffat (37:102). 

Consequently, consistently on the tenth of Dhul Hijjah, Muslims everywhere on the world observe Eid ul Azha. On this day, Muslims butcher a sheep, sheep, goat or a camel to respect the penance of Ibrahim (AS). 

Both Eid ul Fitr and Eid Al-Adha have extraordinary importance in Islam as the equivalent is obvious from the accompanying Hadith of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.):

“Allah has given you better than those feasts (festivals of non-believers): the ‘Eid-ul-Adha’ and ‘Eid-ul-Fitr.’”

(An-Nasai: 1556)

Fasting on Eid al-Adha and Eid ul-Fitr are stringently taboo as the equivalent is clear from the accompanying Hadith of our dearest Prophet (S.A.W.): 

"No fasting is permissible on the two days of Eid-ul-Fitr and


                                                                                                                      (Sahih Bukhari: 1995)

Festivity of Eid al Adha 

Muslims all throughout the planet observe Eid al Adha for two to four days (contingent upon the country). Nonetheless, there are some Sunnah which each Muslim ought to follow while praising this incredible celebration. 

Sunnahs of Eid al Adha and Eid Prayer 

1-Wake up early in the first part of the day. 

2-Clean your teeth with Miswak or a brush. 

3-Take a shower . 

4-You should wear your best garments on this day. 

5-Apply aroma. 

6-Refrain from eating before the Eid petition. 

7-Recite the Takbir of Tashriq in an uproarious voice while going for Eid petition. 

               اَللهُ أَكْبَرُ ، اَللهُ أَكْبَرُ، اَللهُ أَكْبَرُ، لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ ، وَاللهُ أَكْبَرُ، اَللهُ أَكْبَرُ، وَلِلَّهِ الْحَمْدُ 

Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, Allahu akbar laa ilaaha sick Allaah, wa Allaahu akbar, Allaah akbar, wa Lillaah il-hamd 

(Allah is Most Great, Allaah is generally Great, Allah is generally Great there is no god except for Allaah, Allaah is Most extraordinary, Allaah is generally incredible, and to Allaah be acclaim) 

                                                                                                                   (Irwa Al Ghalil: 3/125) 

8-Listen to Sermon (Khutba) subsequent to offering Eid petition. (An-Nasai: 1517) 

9-Use various ways while going to mosque and returning in the wake of offering Eid Prayer. (Sahih Bukhari: 986) 

Eid Prayer 

The researchers contrasted concerning the decision on Eid petitions. Notwithstanding, all Muslim ought to go to supplications of both Eids as most researchers, based on solid proof, is of assessment that it is Wajib (commitment). Aside from supplication, the Eid message (after Eid Prayer) has additionally been made a basic piece of this social event and the petition. 

1- the ideal opportunity for Eid Prayer starts from the time the sun is three meters over the skyline until the sun arrives at its meridian. In any case, it is smarter to offer the supplication in the early hours after the dawn. (Abu Dawud: 1135) 

2-Eid Prayer is performed with no 'Iqmah' or 'Athan'. [Sahih Muslim: 885 (b)] 

3-Eid petition comprises of two Rak'at (Two Unit Prayer) during which Tabkeer (Allah-u-Akbar) is reported multiple times. (Abu Dawud: 1149) 

4-Rest of the Eid petition is same as other supplication offered day by day. 

5-After finishing the petition, it is Sunnah (a few researchers say that it is Wajib) to pay attention to the Sermon (Khutbah) after Eid Prayer. So one should remain for Imam's message to end subsequent to finishing the Eid Prayer. 

In the wake of paying attention to the message, Muslims compliment each other with good tidings, for example, 'Eid Mubarak', 'Glad Eid, and عيد مبارك and so on Notwithstanding, the most well-known Eid Greeting Muslims like to wish their companions and individual Muslims with 'Eid Mubarak'. 

sacrifice of Animal 

Sacrifice  of creature or Qurbani upon the arrival of Eid al Adha is an affirmed Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) yet additionally of our darling Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.). In any case, a few Scholars are of the assessment that it is 'Wajib' (required). 

Forfeiting of cows in the method of Allah is an extraordinary demonstration of love. It brings the individual contribution the penance close of Allah. 

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) detailed that Prophet (S.A.W.) said: 

"Whoever can manage the cost of it [sacrifice], yet doesn't offer a penance, let him not draw close to our supplication place." 

                                                                                                                                     (Ibn Majah: 3123) 

The Hadith unmistakably specifies the significance of forfeiting in the method of Allah. It's anything but an admonition for those Muslims who have the way to bring to the table a penance on Eid ul Adha yet don't do as such because of some common explanation or faltering reason. 

Rules of Sacrifice 

Any individual who plans to butcher a creature on Eid ul Adha needs to keep certain guidelines which are given beneath: 

1-Sacrifice of a creature for Eid al Adha must be finished during the predefined dates I-e After Eid Prayer (tenth of Dhul Hijjah) and before nightfall of thirteenth Dhul Hijjah. Whoever doesn't follow these dates should realize that their penance won't be substantial in the event that it's anything but offered between tenth - thirteenth Dhul Hijjah. (Sahih Bukhari: 5545 and Sahih Muslim: 1141) 

2-The creature to be forfeited must be one of the dairy cattle endorsed by the Shariah, which are; Camels, Cattle, Sheep and Goat. (Surah Hajj 22:34 and Surah Al-Anaam 6:143) 

3-A sheep or goat is utilized as a solitary contribution and is adequate for one family while a camel or a cow can be shared by seven individuals. [Sahih Muslim: 1318(a) and 1961(a)] 

4-The creature to be forfeited must be a grown-up and ought to have arrived at the age specified in Shariah. 

Goat, either male or female, of no less than one year old enough. 

Sheep, either male or female, of something like a half year old enough. 

Cow, bull, bison of no less than two years old. 

Camel, male or female, of somewhere around five years old. 

5-The creature should be a sound one and ought to be liberated from clear deformities. (Saheeh Al-Jami: 886) 

6-The individual contribution ought to just have one goal I-e forfeiting for the sake of Allah. The creature to be forfeited should be in the individual's full belonging (it's anything but taken or taken forcibly or in joint parade or held in promise). 

7-The individual who plans to offer penance ought not eliminate any hair, nail or skin from the nightfall on the last day of Dhul Qadah until the penance is done upon the arrival of Eid. (Ibn Majah: 3150) 

8-The individual should butcher the creature with his own hands to satisfy the Sunnah. Nonetheless, on the off chance that one can't do as such, he can choose another person to do likewise for his sake yet one should observer his butcher/penance. (Sahih Bukhari: 5554) 

9-The individual should make reference to the name of Allah and present Takbeer (Bismillah, Allahu Akbar) at the hour of butchering the creature. (Sahih Bukhari: 5558) 

10-Many researchers are of the assessment that the meat of the forfeited creature ought to be partition into three sections. 33% for the individual (and his family) who is offering the penance, 33% ought to be conveyed among the family members/neighbors as a blessing and 33% ought to be given in foundation to destitute individuals. 

11-All pieces of the forfeited creature can be utilized for individual profit however none can be sold or given as installment (even to the butcher as his pay) in any case, the penance will get invalid. (Sahih Al-Jami: 6118) 

Appreciate this celebration by expressing gratitude toward Allah for His endowments and for giving you the chance to satisfy this extraordinary Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). However, remember your under-special individual Muslim sibling and sisters who don't have the way to praise this favored celebration. 


We all have passed a very difficult time of covid 19 and many families around us either Muslim or non muslim are facing financial crisis as lockdown and pandemic have ruin the economy .

As Eid ul adha gives us a lesson to sacrifice so As a Muslims this is our responsibility to help the people  in this hard  time .We should distribute the forfeited creature to poor families  instead of our rich relatives or friends .



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